Monday, October 1, 2007

The Real Men in Black

In 1997, American society was given a glimpse at the "secret government agency" known as the Men in Black in the movie cleverly named, Men in Black. In the movie, Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are fully responsible for "protecting the earth from the scum of the universe." Simply meaning that it is the job of the MIB to regulate and control the alien population living on earth....seem a little crazy, yes. Anyways, most viewers assumed that this was just another Hollywood movie magic and there really is no such organization as the MIB, but then there are some conspiracy theorists who believe there really is a government organization known as the MIB, except instead of protecting us from the scum of the universe they are the scum of the universe.

These conspiracy theorists have reasons to believe that after a UFO sighting, or any other sighting of extraterrestrial activity MIB members will approach the witnesses and scare them into keeping quiet. One example occurred whenever Robert Dahl was out on his boat with his son near Maury Island in Washington and they sighted six doughnut shaped flying saucers hovering above them. According to the story, one the UFOs was having mechanical difficulty and "discharged a load of liquid, metallic slag" which injured his son and killed his dog which was also on board. Then, the following morning Dahl was approached in a local restaurant by a man in a black suit and asked him to recount his encounter from the previous day. After hearing the story the man in the suit told him that "harm would befall him and his family if he told anyone about the incident." Dahl went ahead and told the story publicly, but soon after confessed that it was all a hoax...a strange event in the eyes of conspiracy theorists.

According to most personal accounts with members of the MIB, they appear on the scene dressed in "out-of-style black suits, travel in twos and threes, and seem to prefer to travel in the vintage 1950s Cadillac." Also, the men are usually described as "foreign looking." They go on to describe them as "tall and thin, with naturally long fingers" and they also go on to point out that "they may or may not have fingernails." The lack of fingernails seems a little strange, but maybe it just adds to their "foreign looking" appearance. Whatever the appearance, conspiracy theorists are convinced that these men belong to the government run organization known as the Men in Black and are trying to cover up any extraterrestrial activity that occurs here on earth.

One huge flaw in this theory that I have found is that in order to even consider there being an organization such as the MIB, one has to believe that extraterrestrials do in fact exist. If it is proven that extraterrestrials don't exist then what would the point of having a government run organization responsible for covering up there activities be? It is pretty obvious that this theory can never be proven until extraterrestrial life is actually proven to exist, which in my own humble opinion, is a long way away from happening.

Another thing to consider is how exactly did these witnesses of MIB encounters come to the conclusion that these men in black suits came from a government agency called the Men in Black. Not anywhere that I read did it give proof that these men in black suits that approached these witnesses claimed to have come from any such organization. For all that we, as well as the witnesses know, these men could just be any normal person wearing a black suit to try and pull a hoax over on these susceptible extraterrestrial believers.

From what I've read on this conspiracy theory, I don't see much proof to convince me that this organization actually exists. Unless somehow it can be proven that extraterrestrials exist and these men in black suits that appear on the scene of the encounter are from some unknown government agency I see no reason to believe any MIB conspiracy theory.

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