Monday, September 17, 2007

The Zundelsite: Truth or Utter Insanity

The Zundelsite is a website dedicated to the life and work of Ernst Zundel, a reknowned denier of the Holocaust. According to the site Ernst has dedicated his life to "freeing the German people of the burden of the six million." Among deniers, he is often seen as being more radical than the rest, maybe because of this particular quote: "If the Holocaust burden is lifted off the shoulders of the German people, Nazism doesn't look so bad." Surprisingly, as crazy as all of this sounds, Zundel has convinced many people of this revisionist belief and although he is currently being imprisoned in Germany for "the thought crime of denying the Holocaust" his views are still being spread by his supporters through this webstite and I'm sure, many others.

The main points argued by this particular group of deniers can be found under the section "Holocaust Myth 101." In this section eight specific sections are outlined describing their reasons for their denial. For example, under Part III Zundel and his followers believe that "the numbers of Holocaust victims are irresponsibly exaggerated." Now I'm sure that as you and I both now, according to our high school history textbooks, this number they are talking about is roughly 6 million. According to Zundel, "the total number of deaths registered with the Special Registry Office and various other registry offices was 373, 468", quite the difference from the 6 million offered to us in most textbooks and other historical records. A lot of other Jews were also killed and left unregistered, which could leave a lot more numbers yet to be posted but Zundel claims that simply because these Jews have gone unaccounted for during this period of time it is unreasonable to make them a victim of this genocide. He also makes the ludicrous statement that, "If so many millions of Jewish people died at the hands of the Germans, why are there so many survivors?" Apparently, according to Zundel's mindset, there are only a few more than 6 million Jews and the Jews that were left are unable to reproduce. Just one example of the strange logic offered by this particular denier.

If you continue down the list of their points you will stumble across Part VIII claiming, "American execution expert, Fred Leuchter, delivered a scientific break-through in proving that the so-called gas chambers at Auschwitz could not have been used for their alleged purpose." Now this is an astounding claim, and it should also be made clear that the "alleged purpose" in question is that of them being a means for mass murder of Jews by means of exposure to posinous gasses. Before you go spreading this news, it is important to understand a little bit about the "expert" who made these findings. Although Fred Leuchter is an American execution "expert", what he has done to gain this status or what specification of execution he is an expert of is left unanswered, but one main thing to understand is that he had no type of engineering degree or any other degree directly relating to the use of buildings as gas chambers. This being said, how can we believe what this so called "expert" has to say?

I could go on an on describing and critiquing each and every one of the points made by Ernst Zundel and supported by his fellow deniers, but if I were to show you the faults that I find in them, what else is there left for you to discover yourself? (not that you should fully trust my statements, seeing that I am no expert myself) Hence, I encourage you to read the rest of the points offered and come to your own conclusion, whether it be in support of Zundel or in support of your high school textbooks (not that you should believe everything your high school textbooks said either) and the millions upon millions of people who whole-heartedly believe the holocaust existed and the facts are correct.

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